Co-travellers in this way of life called “DAV”
I wish all of you a very Happy Teachers’ Day.
This happy instance that I can write, and you can read what I write, reminds us, once again, that we need to express our gratitude and thank our teachers.
Often, when a doctor performs a complex and intricate life saving surgery, the TV, newspapers and all media lavish their attention on the doctor. However, the teacher, who taught and trained the Doctor, is often overlooked and forgotten. A teacher, during his tenure, may teach and inspire some of the best doctors, greatest engineers, and most eminent of scientists, but nobody lauds a teacher. For every super structure that stands tall, a good, strong foundation is needed. Similarly for every person of substance who managed to achieve greatness anywhere in the world, he achieved greatness only because a dedicated teacher gave him a good, firm foundation.
At the DAV we know and emphasise that the “Ultimate aim of education is to build character”. Hence, our pride, our DAV teachers, not only make the future generations literate, but educate them to become good citizens of the country, great assets to the nation.
Some of our Physical Education teachers have done wonders by training their wards for 2024 Paris games out of which many have won laurels for INDIA and the DAV. For classroom teaching, more than 15,000 (Fifteen thousand) children have scored above 90% in CBSE Board Examinations. These achievements by the DAV students are actually victories of the DAV teachers. You have not only taught them how to make a living, but have also taught them how to make a life. “Hats off” to you, dear teachers. On this Teachers’ Day, 2024, I congratulate you and thank you for holding the DAV Flag high, where it actually belongs. Your contributions are priceless and everlasting.
With the Blessings of God, aashirwad of our founders and seniors, and with your hard work and dedication, the DAV, is on an upward trajectory. To improve this trajectory even further, let us pledge to exercise control over our God-gifted faculty of Thinking. We have all seen that the power of thought is far stronger than the power unleashed by an atom bomb. During World War II, two atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. About two and a half lac people lost their lives. Here in our country, a thought was born in the mind of Nawab Bahadur Abdul Latif Khan to divide the country on the basis of religion. Mohd. Jinnah picked up that thought, and Pakistan was carved out of India. During this division, more than ten lac people lost their lives and an even greater number was uprooted and made homeless. What the power of two Atom bombs could not destroy, a single wrong thought managed to destroy. So let us firmly pledge that we will let Positive thoughts only reside in our hearts and minds.
So, on this Teachers’ Day, I pray to the Almighty, let positive thoughts and vibrations flow from every DAV teacher. Let this positivity shine through each and every DAV student, each and every DAV institution covering our entire country. May we all live in this strong, positive environment.
Once again, I take this opportunity to congratulate all the Principals and teachers whose services have been recognised by the Government and have received the National or the State Teachers Awards.
And I thank all of you, who are the fountains of knowledge, true guides and pillars of positivity, inspirations to one and all.
Punam Suri
DAV College Managing Committee
Arya Pradeshik Pratinidhi Sabha